Piyomon (Adventure:)

From Wikimon
Kanji/Kana ピヨモン
Human Partner Takenouchi Sora
Voice Actor Japanese Shigematsu Atori (重松 花鳥)
English Tara Sands

Piyomon is the Partner Digimon of Takenouchi Sora in Digimon Adventure:.


Baby I Nyokimon[1]
Baby II Pyocomon[2]
Child Piyomon
Adult Birdramon
Perfect Garudamon
Ultimate Hououmon




Digimon Adventure:[edit]


Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 ~New Courage~[edit]

Piyomon, alongside the rest of the original Adventure: Chosen Children and their Digimon except Izumi Koshiro and Tentomon, makes a cameo during New Courage, with Adventure:'s Yagami Taichi remembering he was with them before being surrounded by a strange light and finding himself in the V-Tamer Digital World. After the polyhedron is destroyed and Adventure:'s Taichi reawakens in his world, he finds himself surrounded by his friends once again, with Sora explaining that he fell and blacked out.

Virtual Pets[edit]



Digimon Card Game[edit]

The Hououmon of the series appears on the card P-049, alongside Takenouchi Sora.

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
Digimon Adventure:
Main Characters Yagami TaichiTakenouchi SoraIshida YamatoIzumi KoshiroTachikawa MimiKido JoeTakaishi TakeruYagami Hikari
Partner Digimon AgumonGabumonPiyomonPalmonTentomonGomamonPatamonTailmon
Supporting Characters LeomonLopmonKomondomonGerbemonSearchmonWisemon
Antagonists Algomon (Baby I/Baby II/Child/Adult/Perfect/Ultimate) • DevimonSkull KnightmonMillenniumonOrgemonSoundbirdmon/DeathmonEyesmonNegamon
Dark Digimon Army Coredramon BlueCoredramon GreenGorimonSolarmonDark TyranomonMetal TyranomonScorpiomonWaspmonCannonbeemonKuwagamonOkuwamonMinotarumonTroopmonVelgrmonCalamaramonSplashmonDark MaildramonMephismonMugendramonGriffomonSephirothmon/ChimairamonVademon
Terms Digivice:
Other List of EpisodesList of CharactersJapanese Cast